Workshops of Academic year 2018/2019
List of workshops that took place during academic year 2018/2019 at Bayan University
- BNU 1st Workshop on "The Role of Universities in Countering and Preventing Violent Extremism", 4/11/2018
- BNU 2nd Workshop of "A Workshop on Bologna Process Transition and Implementation", 27/11/2108
- BNU 3rd Workshop on "Monetary Policy in Iraq", 28/11/2108
- BNU 4th Workshop on "E-Governance in Focus", 12/12/2018
- BNU 5th Workshop on "Curriculum Development, New Coursebook for Semester-based, the New Course Codes and Standardised Course Titles", 09/02/2019
- BNU 6th Workshop on "Financial System in the Federal States", 10/02/2019
- BNU 7th Workshop on “Internet of Things (IoT) with Arduino”, 24/02/2019
- BNU 8th Workshops on "The Art of Presentation part I", 06/03/2019
- BNU 9th Workshops on "The Art of Presentation part II", 03/04/2019
- BNU 10th Worshop on "Good Governance", 15/04/2019
- BNU 11th Workshop on "Reverse marketing and its impact on rationalising customer behaviour", 22/04/2019
- BNU 12th Workshop on Lawyers’ Ethics and Professional Responsibilities, Obstacles and Improvements